The battle of Catraeth: other evidence and interpretation
heroic poem Y Gododdin is one of the longest and most famous texts in medieval
Welsh. It was written down in the kingdom of Gwynedd in North Wales in a
thirteenth-century manuscript, but the spellings in one of the two versions
suggest that it may be several centuries older. It consists mainly of a series
of elegies for warriors who feasted at the court of Din Eidyn (modern
Edinburgh) before setting out to fight at a place called Catraeth where many,
perhaps most, of them were killed. Where might Catraeth have been?
The evidence from the poem Y Gododdin was described in the previous post.
Canu Taliesin
place called ‘Catraeth’ is also mentioned in the Canu Taliesin poetry praising
Urien, king of Rheged. For more information about Urien, see my earlier post 'Urien Rheged'.
The men of Catraeth arose with the dawn,About the Guledig, of work a profitable merchant.This Urien, without mockery is his regret.
Battle of Gwen Ystrat, translation available online
I saw the ruler of Cathraeth beyond the plains
Spoils of Taliesin, translation available online
the ‘Battle of Gwen Ystrat’, Urien is described as ‘Guledig’, meaning something
like leader or overlord. The men of
Catraeth appear to be under his command, although the poem does not say that
the battle in question (‘Gwen Ystrat’, which translates as something like
‘white valley’ or ‘fair valley’) was being fought at Catraeth. In ‘The Spoils
of Taliesin’, Urien is clearly described as the ruler of Catraeth. Although
Taliesin refers to Urien’s domain as ‘Rheged’, the location of Rheged itself
has not been identified more precisely than somewhere in what is now northern
England and/or southern Scotland. For more information on the possible location
of Rheged see my earlier posts here
and here.
I like the idea that Rheged was located around Carlisle, the Lake District and
the Solway, but other interpretations are equally possible.
Place names
is no modern place with a name that can be definitively and uniquely identified
as Catraeth.
most common suggestion for the location of ‘Catraeth’ is modern Catterick,
located at the eastern end of the strategic Roman road that crosses the
Pennines through the Stainmore Pass or Stainmore Gap (the modern A66 road
follows much the same route as its Roman predecessor). Bede, writing in the
eighth century, refers to it as ‘Cetreht’. The Roman name of the settlement at the
site of modern Catterick Bridge was Cataractonium. The English Place-Name
Society website suggests that it originally derived from a Brittonic name
‘Caturatis’ meaning ‘fortification’, which was (mis)interpreted by the Romans
as the Latin ‘Cataracta’, meaning ‘waterfall’. (Misunderstanding place names on
the grounds that they sound like a word you recognise evidently has a long
Clarkson argues that although ‘Catraeth’ could
be an earlier form of the modern name ‘Catterick’, this is not the same thing
as proving that they refer to the same place (Clarkson 2010, p. 106). There may
have been many other places with now-lost names that could have given rise to
‘Catraeth’, and the poem may refer to one of these.
possibility occurs to me, and that is that the name ‘Catraeth’ looks as though
it might be composed of the elements ‘Cat’, meaning ‘battle’, and ‘Traeth’,
meaning ‘strand’ or ‘shore’. I don’t know enough about etymology to know
whether this could be a real possibility. If it is, then the ‘Catraeth’ of the
poem might not be a place name at all, but a description of the event
commemorated – ‘the battle on the shore’. In which case, trying to identify it
from modern or recorded place names might be impossible.
battle of Catraeth was fought between warriors from Edinburgh and enemies
identified variously as ‘Deiran’, ‘Saxons’ or ‘Lloegr’s mixed hosts’ in the
more archaic ‘B’ version of Y Gododdin. The ‘A’ version adds two mentions of Bernicia, one of
which seems to bracket Bernicia alongside the Gododdin rather than as enemies (see previous post 'Catraeth: Y Gododdin').
terms referring to Saxons or Lloegr are not geographically precise enough to be much help in identifying the location of the battle, as they could refer
to groups of people in Britain anywhere from Northumbria to Wessex. The term ‘Deira’ is
much more geographically precise, as Deira is quite securely located somewhere
in the region of modern Yorkshire. For this reason, I would focus on ‘Deira’ as
the most useful clue to the enemy, which in turn gives a possible clue to the
Bridge is in modern North Yorkshire, and therefore either within or close to
the territory of sixth-century Deira (as usual, the exact boundaries of Deira
are not known). It is therefore a plausible location for a battle in which
Deira was one of the sides (although I agree with Tim Clarkson that it is not
Catterick Bridge is on a major north-south Roman road (Dere Street), at a river
crossing (the Swale), and close to the junction with the major east-west Roman
road across Stainmore Pass. River crossings are common battle sites, and the
Roman road network would have been obvious routes for moving armies across country.
Catterick is approximately 150-170 miles from Edinburgh, depending whether you
take the shorter route over the Cheviot hills or the longer route via the
coast. Although this is a long way, it is within the known campaigning range of
early medieval armies (see earlier post on campaigning ranges).
Given that armies from Northumbria are known to have fought near Chester and in
Pictland, and that an army from Gwynedd and the West Midlands invaded and
occupied Northumbria, it does not seem at all unreasonable that an army from
Edinburgh could have fought at Catterick Bridge.
get from Edinburgh to Catterick Bridge, the warriors in the poem would have had
to cross or skirt the territory of Bernicia, which in the late sixth century
was ruled by the aggressive and militarily successful king Aethelferth.
Bernicia was probably Gododdin’s closest territory ruled by an English king.
However, Catwallaun of Gwynedd had no problem crossing the territory of English
Mercia when he invaded Northumbria in 633, and indeed the English king of
Mercia was his ally in the campaign. I see no reason why the Gododdin could not
have had a similar arrangement with Bernicia as Catwallaun had with Mercia a few
decades later. Bernicia could have been an active ally of Gododdin during the
campaign, as Mercia was to Gwynedd, which would be consistent with the
reference to ‘the army of Gododdin and Bernicia’ in stanza A-47. Or it may have
played a more passive role, simply allowing the Gododdin warriors to pass
reference in Canu Taliesin to Urien as ‘ruler of Catraeth’ is more problematic
for the Catterick Bridge location. Although Rheged’s location is uncertain, the
likely areas are on the western coast of Britain roughly from Strathclyde to
Lancashire. Catterick Bridge is distinctly on the eastern side. I don’t think
any likely location for Rheged can easily be made to include Catterick Bridge.
My best suggestion is that if Urien was a ruler of Catterick Bridge it would be
in the sense of being some sort of overlord. This might reflect anything from
outright military conquest, through some kind of tribute-paying client
relationship (with varying degrees of asymmetry and coercion), to an amicable alliance
by blood or marriage. The location of Catterick Bridge near the junction
between Dere Street and the main trans-Pennine Roman road over Stainmore gives
it obvious strategic importance. The ruler of a kingdom based around the
western end of the Stainmore Pass road may well have wanted to control the
other end of the pass as well. Historia Brittonum makes it clear that Urien was
a powerful military leader, so outright conquest may be possible. Or, if there
was a post-Roman Brittonic kingdom based around York (see my earlier series of
articles on post-Roman York),
Catterick Bridge may well have been part of its territory. Catterick Bridge is
in the Vale of Mowbray, and only about 40 miles from York along the main
north-south Roman road of Dere Street. Urien shares a (claimed) descent from
Coel Hen with Peredur, tenuously associated with York (see post on Peredur),
and it may be possible that Urien had some sort of claim to authority in the
York area, including Catterick, based on this shared descent. Or, more
prosaically, Taliesin may just have been flattering his patron by giving him an
additional title.
this mention of Urien as ‘ruler of Catraeth’ means that Catraeth was in the
territory of Urien’s kingdom of Rheged, then either Rheged was in Yorkshire
rather than in the west (which seems most unlikely to me, see the post on
or ‘Catraeth’ was not at Catterick Bridge. Tim Clarkson argues a case for
locating ‘Catraeth’ somewhere much further north, perhaps in the valley of the River Tweed or
in Lothian (Clarkson 2010, p. 108-9), and this is certainly a possibility. It is a
long way from the territory of the Deiran enemies identified in the poem (just
as Catterick Bridge is a long way from the territory of the Gododdin warband),
but there is no obvious reason why the Deirans should not have been just as capable
of long-distance campaigning as the Gododdin.
my part, I prefer the traditional location of ‘Catraeth’ at Catterick Bridge.
The main reasons for this are:
- it has a name that could be derived from Catraeth;
- it seems a likely sort of site for a battle, since it is on an important Roman road and at a river crossing;
- it is in or close to the known location of Deira, and therefore a plausible location for a battle in which Deira was one of the sides;
- although it is a long way from Edinburgh, early medieval armies are recorded by Bede as campaigning over similarly long distances, and I don’t think there is any obvious reason why the army of Gododdin should have been any less capable than its approximate contemporaries in Gwynedd or Northumbria.
think the main difficulty with locating ‘Catraeth’ at Catterick Bridge is
Taliesin’s line describing Urien as ‘ruler of Catraeth’. I’ve suggested above
that this could be explained by some sort of overlordship over an area outside
his core territory, but I will readily admit that this involves a certain
amount of hand-waving. However, most explanations are likely to, given the
shortage of evidence.
So I
chose to place ‘Catraeth’ at Catterick Bridge in Paths of Exile. I don’t claim that this is a proven location;
however, I think it is reasonably plausible. Other explanations are possible.
T. The Men of the North. Birlinn, 2010. ISBN 978-1-906566-18-0
Canu Taliesin, The
Battle of Gwen Ystrat, translation available online
Canu Taliesin, The
Spoils of Taliesin, translation available online
Place-Name Society website, Catterick
Map links
Isn't it fun to hunt ancient battle sites? I'm chasing Mons Graupius, Nechtansmere and Brunanburh. They've all proven rather elusive when it comes to 'the' answer; I can take may pick from several possibilities which in case of novel writing is at least not that much of a problem as long as it makes sense historically (army moving speed and such).
Isn't it fun to hunt ancient battle sites? I'm chasing Mons Graupius, Nechtansmere and Brunanburh. They've all proven rather elusive when it comes to 'the' answer; I can take may pick from several possibilities which in case of novel writing is at least not that much of a problem as long as it makes sense historically (army moving speed and such).
Thanks for the background on the poem. I find it fascinating. Makes me want to branch out my poetry reading. But I can't until I get this manuscript off. Then I can refresh my mind with some epic poetry!
Gabriele - indeed so. There are two or three fairly strong candidates for each of your three, aren't there? There will probably never be a definitive answer unless ssome new evidence turns up. Maybe one day archaeology might find a mass grave of the right date, or battlefield debris of the right type in one of the candidate locations. In the meantime, though, you can take your pick of whichever fits your story better :-)
Constance - good luck with your manuscript! Being a poet yourself, you might enjoy some of the poetry in the original language where you can feel things like rhyme and scan, even if you don't speak Old/Middle Welsh.
And the evidence may show up in a place no one suspected or which was at least low on the list of possibilities. The two famous Roman battlefields in Germany fall in that catergory (locating Teutoburg Forest at Kalkriese had been low on the list; and the AD 235 battlefield of Kalefeld/Harzhorn had been looked for some 200 miles further south and closer to the Limes border, because no one took the sources which said Maximinus Thrax had invaded Germania all the way to the sea seriously).
BTW I have no idea why my first post appears twice. Blogger got a hiccup again, it seems.
Carla- That's a dandy plan! I read Rilke in German for the feel of it, even though my German is very poor. Likewise with Italian. But I at least get a feel for it. Mouthfeel for poetry is important I think.
Gabriele - Yes, I remember that Kalkriese was something of a surprise when it was found. Which is the nice thing about new evidence; when it turns up, it quite often does shift theories that had become accepted almost by default. If someone turns up a late 6th-C mass grave with battle-injured skeletons associated with artefacts from Deira and Edinburgh somewhere in the Tweed valley, I shall be quite happy to accept that Catraeth isn't at Catterick Bridge :-)
Constance - Good luck, and hope you enjoy it! I agree, the shape and flow of the sounds matters a lot in poetry.
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