Llangors Crannog
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Viewing platform |
Lake (also called Llyn Syfaddan and Brycheiniog Mere) is the largest natural
lake in South Wales. It is located in south-east Wales, not far from Brecon.
link: Llangors Lake
Lake was formed by glacial meltwater after the last Ice Age. It is a shallow
lake (only about 7 m deep), notable for an abundance of fish and water birds
(and a legendary aquatic monster or afanc). It is also the site of the only known crannog
in England and Wales.
Llangors Crannog
crannog is an artificial island, typically constructed a little way offshore in
an inland lake, river or estuary.
Crannogs were dwelling places, with access either by boat or via a
causeway to the shore. Most of the known crannogs in the British Isles are in
Ireland and Scotland, where they range in date from the Neolithic to the early
medieval period.
Lake is the only known example of a crannog in Wales, and perhaps reflects
Irish connections.
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Llangors crannog from the shore |
Llangors crannog was excavated by archaeologists in 1989-1993. It was
constructed from bundles of brushwood laid on the lake bed and held in place by
hardwood beams and a ring of massive split oak piles, with a layer of sandstone
boulders placed on top of the brushwood to create a platform about 25 m across
(Wait et al 2005).
to the information board at the site, dendrochronology dating on the timbers
indicated that the crannog was constructed from trees felled in 889–893 AD. It
would have been a very considerable construction project, requiring substantial
resources in material and labour.
excavation found a fragment of a very high-quality embroidered textile and a
bronze hinge from a reliquary of a style associated with Ireland in the 8th to
9th centuries AD. This is consistent with the Llangors crannog having had
high-status occupants, and the reliquary hinge suggests an ecclesiastical
connection. One of the Llandaff charters records that a King Awst of
Brycheiniog granted ‘Llan Cors’ and its surrounding estate to a Bishop Euddgwy
in the 8th century AD (Wait et al 2005). The charter may just be a post hoc ecclesiastical attempt at a land grab, but it is consistent with the presence of the reliquary hinge and may reflect a genuine church connection. Perhaps the crannog was the site of a royal and/or
episcopal hall.
Destruction of the crannog
destruction layer of charcoal and charred timber indicated that Llangors
crannog had been destroyed by fire (Wait et al 2005).
destruction layer may relate to an event recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:
A.D. 916. This year was the innocent Abbot Egbert slain, before midsummer, on the sixteenth day before the calends of July. The same day was the feast of St. Ciricius the martyr, with his companions. And within three nights sent Ethelfleda an army into Wales, and stormed Brecknock; and there took the king's wife, with some four and thirty others.
Chronicle, available online
is Aethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians and daughter of Alfred the Great.
‘Brecknock’ is an alternative spelling of ‘Brycheiniog’.
The kingdom of Brycheiniog
(anglicised version, Brecon) was an early medieval Brittonic kingdom in what is
now south-east Wales. Its eponymous (legendary?) founder, Brychan, is
traditionally said to be the son of a Brittonic mother and an Irish king.
Whether literally true or not, the legend is consistent with connections
between Brycheiniog and Ireland, which might account for the Irish-style
reliquary hinge and the construction of a crannog, a type of dwelling more
often associated with Ireland.
to Asser’s Life of Alfred, Brycheiniog had been an ally (or vassal state,
depending how voluntary the arrangement was) of Wessex during the reign of
Alfred the Great, seeking protection against attacks from Gwynedd.
Helised, also, son of Tendyr, king of Brecon, compelled by the force of the same sons of Rotri, of his own accord sought the government of the aforesaid king [King Alfred]
Asser, Life of Alfred, available online
‘sons of Rotri’ were the kings of Gwynedd, sons of Rhodri Mawr. Attacks by Norse
raiders may also have added to the pressure, as Annales Cambriae says that
Norsemen laid waste Brycheiniog in 895.
894 Anarawd came with the Angles and laid waste Ceredigion and Ystrad Tywi.895 The Northmen came and laid waste Lloegr and Brycheiniog and Gwent and Gwynllywiog.
Cambriae, available online
date of the alliance between Brycheiniog and Alfred is not precisely stated. Since it was against the sons of Rhodri, it was
presumably after the death of Rhodri Mawr in 878. Anarawd ap Rhodri of Gwynedd
co-operated with ‘the Angles’, presumably Alfred, in 894 according to the
Annales Cambriae, so the relationship between Brycheiniog and Alfred was most
likely established before then. This suggests a date some time in the 880s.
the crannog was built with timber felled in 889-893, its construction may have been
a response to all this political and military upheaval, perhaps a desire for a
secure place of refuge in the face of many threats and/or an attempt to proclaim
an identity as an independent kingdom and resist being swallowed up as a vassal
state. I wonder if it was in existence
when the Norse ‘came and laid waste Brycheiniog’ in 895, and if so,
whether it was attacked and how it withstood the attack. Or indeed whether it
was built as a reaction to this Norse attack, using timber that had already
been felled a few years earlier.
the nature of the relationship between Alfred and the king of Brycheiniog, Aethelflaed
clearly did not regard Brycheiniog as an ally at the time of her attack in 916.
Possibly she felt that it was a Wessex arrangement that did not apply to her in
her capacity as Lady of the Mercians, or that it had been negated by the death
of Abbot Egbert, or that circumstances had changed and an alliance from the
previous generation was no longer relevant.
can’t be often that one queen captures another queen in battle. I wonder about
the story or stories behind these fragments of archaeology and the laconic
references in the chronicles. Who was the now-unknown Abbot Egbert, how was he
murdered and why was he so important that his death started a war? Why did
Aethelflaed blame Brycheiniog for the murder?
Was the attack on Brycheiniog really revenge for the abbot’s death?
Aethelflaed seems to have acted very fast if she despatched an army within
three nights of the abbot’s death, especially as news would take at least some
time to travel. Was Abbot Egbert’s death merely a convenient cover for some
other motive? (or an unrelated event that was attributed an unwarranted
significance by an ecclesiastical chronicler who assumed that everything
revolved around church affairs?) What
did Aethelflaed think of Alfred’s alliances with the various Brittonic
kingdoms? Aethelflaed and the queen of
Brycheiniog may have known each other personally, or at least have met at royal
court events. I wonder what they thought of each other.
Llangors Lake is a tranquil place between the Black Mountains on one side and
the Brecon Beacons on the other. You can’t get to the crannog itself (except maybe
by boat; I have no idea whether you might need a permit to land there). A walkway
leads out from the shore to a modern viewing platform, with a central shelter under
a roof like an Iron Age house and a gallery all round to give uninterrupted
views of the crannog, the lake and the surrounding mountains. Information
boards explain a little about the geography and history of the lake and the
archaeological investigation on the crannog. If our visit is anything to go by,
it’s home to a lot of dragonflies, ducks and swans (alas, I didn’t spot the afanc).
Chronicle, translation available online
Cambriae, available online
Asser, Life of Alfred, available online
Wait G, Benfield S, McKewan C. Rescuing Llangors
Crannog. British Archaeology 2005;84, available online
Thanks for the crannog history lesson. Very interesting! Lends itself to all kinds of story possibilities.
Interesting. I had no idea crannogs were still in use and even built in the 9th century AD.
Constance - yes, lots of scope for the imagination :-)
Gabriele - I was surprised about the ninth-century construction and the apparenty very short life. I associate crannogs mainly with the Iron Age in Scotland and early medieval in Ireland, and they often seem to have been used on and off for centuries. Perhaps this one was an experiment copying a crannog someone had seen in Ireland to see if it would alo work in Wales (the foundation legend of Brycheiniog is probably just that, a legend, but it may well reflect contemporary Irish connections at the time the legend was in circulation), which could account for the late date. If it was destroyed within a decade or two of construction, as seems to have been the case, it may not have looked like an experiment worth copying, so it stayed a one-off.
It can’t be often that one queen captures another queen in battle.
Q x Q happens all the time on the chess board, but I can't think of another historical instance.
It sounds as if the crannog was a response to an ongoing crisis. And as it turned out, an unsuccessful response - no wonder it wasn't repeated.
Rick - there musst surely be some, but I can't think of one either (which is why this one caught my attention). I can't believe it'ss unique but it's certainly unusual.
Yes, an unsuccessful response as it turned out, so not much of an advert for this new Irish way of doing things, and not surprising that it seems it never caught on. I wonder if crannogs worked better in Ireland and Scotland, for some reason? Or possibly they had become sufficiently well established as a must-have status symbol that any practical shortcomings were disregarded.
Perhaps also the nature of warfare had changed. A crannog is good protection against, say, raiding attacks. But if the attacker has time and resources to obtain boats, not so much.
Or there was something about the specific circumstances of the attack on Llangors that meant the attack succeeded. The chronicle account says the queen was in residence, since she was captured there, but it doesn't give any indication of the rest of the defence force, the relative strength of the attacking force, the tactics, etc... A sample of 1 is not a great basis to generalise from :-)
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