17 October, 2010

October recipe: Apple cakes

You can make these cakes with eating apples or with cooking apples, according to taste and availability.

Apple cakes (makes about 12)

2 oz (approx 50 g) butter
2 oz (approx 50 g) light brown soft sugar
1 egg
4 oz (approx 100 g) self-raising flour
1 tsp (1 x 5 ml spoon) ground mixed spice or ground cinnamon (optional)
3-4 oz (approx 75-100 g) apples (weight after peeling and coring)

Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in the beaten egg.

Stir in the flour and spice (if using).

Peel and core the apples. Grate or chop finely. Stir the chopped/grated apples into the cake mixture.

Put spoonfuls of the mixture into greased bun tins. It doesn’t spread much during cooking, so you can fill the tins quite full. I usually get about 12 buns out of the mix.

Bake in a moderately hot oven about 180 C, until set and golden brown.

Cool on a wire rack.

Keeps for a week in an airtight tin, or can be frozen.


  1. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Carla, So impressed and awed am I by your vast historic knowledge (Soemil of Deira) and not having read 'Elizabeth, Captive Princess' yet, the only recent blog of yours I feel qualified to comment on is this one about apples cakes. Now food is something that I do appreciate and I am reminded of the Dorset apple cake my mother used to make. It was wonderful: light sponge with succulent little pieces of soft apple when bitten into. The idea of individual ones is very appealing: portion control. Very neccessary as it is difficult to control ones greed with a whole cake. I shall be following your recipe this very week-end. A cake is worth a thousand words. Thank you. Lucy Ann White

  2. Lucy - What a lovely thing to say :-) I hope you enjoy the recipe. How did your mother make her Dorset apple cake? I have two or three apple cake recipes, and am always on the lookout for more.

    My solution to the problem of controlling one's appetite with a whole cake is that I bake cake once a week and no more. If the whole cake is gone by Tuesday, tough - there's still no more until next weekend! It works quite well as a disincentive to cutting that extra slice :-)
    I think this particular recipe would probably be on the heavy side if made into a whole cake, because it's quite a stiff mixture on account of the proportion of flour. It works very well as the individual cakes.

    Don't worry about feeling 'qualified' to comment - all comments are welcome, and I'm always happy to explain anything that isn't clear or is excessively obscure (an occupational hazard in a little-known era like early medieval history).
